Ten days on the road in our little cute van! After a full day of packing and preparing the van, we were finally ready to head off on our road trip. We took an esky full of produce for cooking, all our other essentials, jerry cans for water and petrol, sleeping stuff, juicer & blender, and bathers!

Cooking was fun on the road. :) We only cooked one meal ~ lunch! While shoo-ing flies & other insects, we had the shield ourselves and the cooking materials from the relentless wind. Magpies watched us from close range and some even wandered straight up and squawked for food. Some days we managed to find lovely picnic areas; shaded and shielded!
As the days went on, we grew accustomed to rising early as the sun shone through our booth window and slept once the sun went down. We were lucky to visit a couple of National Parks throughout the trip - The Grampians in Victoria, Flinders Chase on Kangaroo Island, and the Coorong National Park alongside the Murray River. Walks were rejuvenating and meditative. Look what we found on one of our walks at the Grampians~ Echidna!! <3
"You don't see me... you don't see me... " |
Silverband Falls, Grampians. |
Almost at the peak of another of the Grampians' walks. |
We were lucky enough to find power for a juice every breakfast! Yumm.. On those hot, humid days, I was thankful to have these in the esky. Also, we have developed a love for coconut juice. We went through a stunning amount of coconut water during the trip. On the 41 degrees day in the van without air conditioning, we gulped down carton after carton and 4 more glasses at a Thai restaurant in Adelaide upon arrival.

Kangaroo Island was stunning! So far, I haven't crossed paths with such beautiful bays and beaches. Sun, warm sand, clear blue sky, crystalline pure water, life amongst the rocks, fishes swimming along, limestone caves, and freezing breeze. We took the Sealink from Cape Jervis to Penneshaw, Kangaroo Island.
Along the road to Cape Jervis |
Our ferry! |
Bales Beach |
Chirstmas Lunch |

We spent Christmas Day at Bales Beach and wandered to Flinders Chase National Park. Since all was closed on the 25th of December, we took a 3 hour afternoon nap at a lovely picnic hut at Bales Beach. Wallabies hopped around and bees were buzzing around the taps. :) We took our time making a special Christmas lunch ~ egg noodles with fried ginger, blanched broccoli, eggplant, omelette, and topped with Goji berries and Incan berries. Yum! <3 Ginger.
The next day at Kangaroo Island, we got lucky and embarked on the most breathtaking nature walks we've ever been on - Ravine de Casoars at Flinders Chase National Park. Even the pictures don't do it justice. This magnificent place was a portrait of natural beauty, left so untouched by man's hands. We explored the caves, dipped, admired the starfishes, and stood jaw dropped at it's grandeur.
More at Flinders Chase - we tiredly strolled amongst the giant rock formations at Remarkable Rocks. It was almost sunset when we got there so we didn't stay long. Finding a place to park our van and the process of bunkering down was quite tedious, especially after a long and full day!
me with the giants! :P |
FUR SEALS!!! :) What a sight! A beach dotted with these loveable bundles of fats and blubber!! Some had wandered closer to the boardwalk (lucky for us!) and we got a good look at these wonderful creatures.
Then it was byebye to Kangaroo Island. We spent another night at Adelaide to watch Cirque du Soleil - Ovo, another amazing feat of :O. Definitely was worth it! On the drive home, we stopped by the Coorong National Park. The picture below shows a massive bed of Murray River Salt! Besides being a cemetery of insects and other bugs which might have died from it's high salt intensity, it was quite a sight. Pink, crystalline lakes of salt. SALTTT EVERYWHERE! We tasted some and WHOA.. that got us jumping around ;)
One of our final stops was Port Fairy! Lovely area! We took the walk and enjoyed it's inconspicuous beaches.
Port Fairy |
Thoroughly sunburnt and relaxed, we arrived back to bustling Melbourne. Nothing like some Chinatown traffic to tickle our senses ;) .... HOME! BED! SHOWER! And sweet sweet dreams of an amazing road trip <3.